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Frequently Asked Questions

If you have a question about any aspect of B4E or would like to publish a Q&A of your own please email

A: No. There are different blockchain platforms (Ethereum, Hyperledger Fabric, etc.) and there can be different implementations of those platforms. One should not assume the same hashes, encryption algorithms, or any such elements when comparing or evaluating different platforms or different implementations of the same platform

A: There are a variety of ways that data can be accessed / used by a blockchain and the implementation of any of them must be done thoroughly to ensure security. Generally, the model / concept is as follows
1. Party A requests a blockchain transaction with party B. That transaction is governed by a smart contract that both party A and party B have previously agreed to

2. The blockchain validates the identity of the parties using platform-specific protocols. This typically involves comparing cryptographic IDs to ensure the parties are the intended ones

3. Validated identities enable the smart contract to “execute” and access the data specified in that smart contract, via whatever means (API or otherwise) is elucidated in the smart contract

A: Access to data is typically governed by the smart contract. That contract defines the data, how it may be used, for what period of time, etc. If either party want to cease these transactions or revoke access to the related data, the contract can be terminated or merely “turned off” temporarily

A: Either of these is possible. Ultimately the more data that is stored in a “block”, the more time is required to validate, access, and write blocks. The implementation process of any blockchain solution must identify all outputs (reports, datasets, etc.) and required functionality (transactions, queries, etc.), and properly define how the related data is written, stored, “called”, and otherwise accessed.

A: Either design is possible for a blockchain. Manipulation and processing of data is performed via smart contracts. As with DataGumbo, the smart contracts consume data that comes into GumboNet via APIs, executes business logic and applies rules/pricing, generating new blocks which are then appended to the appropriate ledger.  Once created, blocks are not altered again, although adjustment blocks can be created when necessary to correct issues (ie a ticket was double billed and reversed via dispute resolution).  The Smart Contracts only query the blockchain when scheduled to do so, IE creating a daily invoice from all approved transactions that day, and are not continuously querying the ledgers.  Permissions to view blocks are granted by being party to the smart contract that created the block.  For instance, if you have twenty vendors on the same ledger for your convenience, you can see all blocks but each vendor can only see the data of the blocks they are party to.

A: All blockchain nodes have “copies” of all transactional data, which is encrypted to ensure privacy per the rules of the blockchain network. Typically, these copies can be downloaded for back up, “cold storage”, etc. at any time.

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